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The Best Side Hustles That Pay Weekly

Written by Lysted Team | Jan 30, 2024 5:54:27 PM

Earning some extra cash is always a great idea. Giving your income even a tiny boost can help in so many ways. Perhaps you have debt you really want to pay off. Maybe you’re saving for a new car. Or how about raising the cash you need to see the world? Perhaps you just want to ease your financial pressure by getting a side hustle that pays weekly. Whatever you want to use extra cash for, a side hustle is an ideal way to earn it.

If you feel like almost everyone you know has a side hustle, you’re probably right. Research shows that 39% of American adults now have a side hustle - that’s a lot of people! So, if you’re wondering what all the hype is about, now’s a great time to get on board and launch your own side gig. 

There’s no doubt side hustles are super helpful for your cash flow. This is especially the case with costs continually rising. But getting a side gig can actually do so much more than make you money. For starters, a side hustle is a great way to make your spare time productive. So, if you’re tired of being sat around feeling like you’re wasting your time, a side hustle can really help. But that’s not all. A side hustle can also help you make money from hobbies and interests. This means you get to invest more time in doing the things you love, plus you get paid for it!  A side gig is also a perfect way to build new skills. Dipping a toe into things you’re interested in as a side hustle and seeing where it takes you can be life-changing. Who knows, your life’s next and most exciting chapter could all start with a simple side hustle.

Related: How to Make Money Doing Nothing

There’s certainly a ton of reasons a side hustle is a great idea. But which side hustle should you choose? Where should you even start looking? Check out these ideas for some serious side hustle inspiration:


Lysted is the perfect choice if you’re looking for side hustles that pay frequently. The great thing about using Lysted for your side hustle is that it’s so easy to make money. Selling tickets has always been an excellent way to make money. 

The problem is, that reaching the right audience to sell to can be tricky. As well as getting your tickets seen by potential buyers, the selling process itself can also seem complicated. The great news is that Lysted removes that issue. When you list your tickets for sale with Lysted, you avoid these issues and the selling process becomes so much easier.

Lysted will take care of placing your tickets on all of the main marketplaces. This ensures that your tickets get seen with minimal effort from you. Once your tickets have sold, you will receive the money fast. It’s the ultimate simple but profitable side hustle!


If you’ve always fancied being a freelancer, you could get started on this path with a side hustle. Upwork is a platform that allows you to advertise your skills to potential clients. You can sign up and create a profile for yourself. You will then be able to view freelance jobs that are available and being advertised on the platform. 

The type of freelance work available on Upwork is varied. The type of work opportunities available include design and creative jobs, and IT and development positions. So, if you’re looking for side hustles that pay weekly in these fields, you may want to try Upwork out. However, keep in mind that you may need to pay commission fees on the amount you earn when using the platform.

Food Delivery

Everyone loves to receive takeout delivered to their door. It’s quick and convenient to have your meal delivered straight to you. But how about switching things around and doing the delivering yourself? 

There’s a host of different companies that hire drivers to deliver food to customers at home. Platforms such as HubGrub and UberEats can offer side hustles that pay weekly. However, you’re probably going to need your own vehicle or form of transport to use for deliveries. Plus, you may need to commit to working certain hours. This can be an issue if you don’t have transport or can’t commit to working at set times.

Pet Sitting

If you’re a major animal fan, then pet sitting could be a side hustle that works for you. Pet sitting has the potential to be one of the few side hustles that pay weekly. But keep in mind you may not get work every week. 

Aside from being good with animals, you’ll also need to be comfortable with spending time in other people’s homes. This is especially true if you’re given pet sitting duties while the pet owner is on vacation. 

Image Pixabay CC0 License

Dog Walking

If you’re a big fan of four-legged friends, you could spend more time around them by making dog walking your side hustle. This side hustle is perfect if you like to get outside into the fresh air and want to exercise more. You’ll certainly spend a lot of time on your feet and at the park with this side hustle. Keep in mind that if you do want people to pay you for walking their dogs, you may need to figure a few things out first. 

Your potential customers may expect you to have insurance. You’ll also need a suitable vehicle to transport their pets. If your customers want you to walk their dogs regularly, you may need to agree to be available at specific times for this. You will need to ensure that the times your customers need you don’t clash with your full-time working hours.

Uber Driver

Do you fancy yourself behind the wheel of an Uber? This is such a popular side hustle and one that many people try. Driving an Uber does give you the chance to be your own boss and earn extra cash. However, you’re going to need a vehicle before you can get started. Plus, you’re going to need to meet all the requirements set out by Uber. This includes undergoing screening tests before you’re accepted as a driver. But if you love to drive and meet new people, this is a side hustle you may enjoy if you have enough free time to dedicate to it.

Image Pexels CC0 License


If you’ve got a skill that could be in demand, you could make money from it as a side hustle. Examples of the types of freelance work available on Fiverr include web development, writing, design, and marketing. Fiverr allows freelancers to sign up by creating a Gig. This allows the freelancer to offer their work to Fiverr’s audience. Clients then order work from the freelancer and will get paid when the client is happy with the work. This does offer potential as a side hustle that pays weekly. However, you will only get paid once the client is happy with your work. 


Do you excel in some academic subjects? Maybe you have teaching skills that are being under-utilized. Either way, you could use these as an effective side hustle. While you may not realize it, your skills could be underused right now and could be earning you cash. If you’re bilingual, you could use your language skills to teach others. Or, you could offer online tutoring in a subject you have specialist knowledge about.

Depending on your skill set, there are a few options available to you. But they all have the potential to become side hustles that pay weekly. 

Image Pexels CC0 License

Make and Sell Crafts

Do you have a flair for making things? If you’re a talented artist or crafter, you could make money from your hobby. Selling your handmade wares could generate an income, but you will need to get busy making your inventory first. 

Depending on what you sell, you may need to have insurance or a permit before you launch this side hustle. So, don’t forget to check this first.

Start an Online Store

Selling goods online is a popular side hustle choice. Creating an online storefront, finding products to sell, and then launching this business takes time. You will also need to invest in buying your stock in the first place and find somewhere to store it. This is fine if you’re happy to take on the workload. But if you’re short of cash, time, or space, it could be a big problem. 

If you put lots of work into setting up your online store and market it well, you could start to make some sales when you launch. However, until your store gets better known, this may not be one of the side hustles that pays weekly. 


How to Find the Right Side Hustle For You


As you can see, there’s an enormous choice of side hustles out there. This can make it super tough to pick one. But choosing the right side gig is essential. If you’re going to be spending your time on it, you need it to be the right choice. Pick the wrong side hustle, and you may find that you end up hating what you do. Plus, the wrong side hustle will really impact how much money you make from it, which kind of goes against the point of doing it! 

Related: 10 Lucrative Side Hustle Ideas

So, before you dive into picking a side gig, here are some things to think about:

How frequently does the side gig pay?

If you’re looking for side hustles that pay weekly, this is a major consideration. Not all side hustles allow you to receive your money fast.


How much cash could you earn?

If you’re spending your free time on a side hustle, it needs to be worth your effort. So, before you get started, it’s best to check how much you could earn.


How much time do you want to spend on your side hustle?

Being realistic about how much time you have to spend on your side hustle is important. If your side hustle is going to take up tons of your time, it’s going to be pretty tough to stick with it. 


What are your interests?

Thinking about your interests is a great place to start when picking a side hustle. If something really interests you, it’s not going to even feel like work. So, think about what interests you and what you enjoy doing when looking for the perfect side hustle. 


Do you have everything you need to get started?

Some side hustles require a whole load of expensive equipment before you can get started. This can mean you’ve spent a fortune before you even start to earn. When expensive equipment is needed, it can take months or even years to see a return on your investment. 

Choosing a side gig that provides a quick return reduces the risk of spending lots before you can earn. Plus, you’ll start to see a profit sooner.


Is it going to be hard to earn money from this side hustle? 

Let’s face it. Some side hustles are really hard work. Spending hours and hours of your free time working hard for minimal reward is pretty frustrating. So, it makes sense to choose a side hustle with big earning potential that requires much less work.


Are You Ready to Start Your Side Hustle Today?


Are you ready to start looking for side hustles that pay weekly? When you want a side hustle that pays fast and allows you to earn for minimal effort, Lysted is the place to go. If you love the excitement of snapping up tickets and want to maximize your profits when you sell them, Lysted makes it easy. 

Earning great money from a side hustle doesn’t need to be complicated or time-consuming. You can keep your side gig simple, fun, and profitable with Lysted.